looksee at this looksur car

by mari

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I can count the number of modern wooden cars on one hand: Automoblox,  the Back to Basics Racers I featured earlier, and this hipster wooden car from Looksur. It almost makes me want a little boy. I’m not trying to stereotype –  there is actual research (unfortunately?) that shows baby boys begin to understand wheels at about 6 months. Birdie (at 16 mos) still doesn’t really get it. Though this car is a bit small for it’s price of $46, a ride this sweet could be considered an heirloom? Isn’t that the Parent-wide excuse for things we want but don’t need? You know, we can pass it down for generations.

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1 Tricia May 14, 2010 at 9:25 am

Interesting about the boys/wheels research! I’ve always wondered about our ‘wiring’ and what we gravitate to as babies. When our twins were born, Jon used to get up with Ella and I with Ben (when they were showing their love with alternate schedules!!) Months later my husband revealed that he had been “secretly” happy that he was getting lots of bonding time with Ella, as he felt assured that she would then not grow up to be a “girly-girl.” The male influence an’ all! And the fact that our older child was a boy and so there weren’t really any “girl toys” around.
Not so. She’s about as girly as they come. She never really did play with cars. You can imagine Jon’s disbelief at her line…”Dad!!! Aren’t those shoes CUTE!!!” at Target last summer.


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