wall art, part two

by mari

Post image for wall art, part two

Oh Birdie. Why do you try my patience so? A couple of weeks ago I was working in the other room while she napped. As I heard her waking up, the silly babble noises in her room shifted to include a sound I couldn’t wrap my head around. It was like a weird crinkly toy meets thumping crib against the wall effect. That was my cue to investigate further. I peaked through a crack in the door to see:

a.) our favorite vintage Swiss Family Robinson poster missing from the wall. (see the image below – sorry it’s a bit blurry!)

b.) Birdie sitting in the crib bouncing up and down with a huge grin on her face.

c.) The poster laid out perfectly in the crib under her bouncing fanny.

So. It’s time for a different wall solution. Because I don’t think laminating the poster to the wall is a viable option. I’d looked at these Umbra wallflowers before, but at the time I much preferred the poster’s brighter graphics. But whatever we hang above her crib has to be a couple feet out of her way – which means any piece of flat artwork will just look a little odd, hovering high above the crib on an otherwise blank wall. I think these flowers in white will be a nice accent, what about you guys, what’s your crib wall solution? I’m dying to know how other people deal with their crazy-curious bouncing babies!?

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Gene Landry May 19, 2010 at 10:37 am

These are so cute! You could pair them up with some stenciling on the wall to connect them visually to bed without putting a tempting object within baby’s reach!


2 Helen May 19, 2010 at 2:18 pm

Hey! I know this great company that does wall art…. (!) Self promotion aside, I have learned that the wall art situation is best dictated by the baby when it comes to placement around the crib. Our eldest never ever climbed and would never have tried to get something off the wall. Our youngest however, would have found those wallflowers to be like grips on a climbing wall. She would have climbed up and out to get one of those in her hands (mouth), no matter how much creative climbing was called for! So I always place artwork awwwwaaaaay from the crib. Incidentally last time we tried to sell the house I put wall art above the crib whenever we had a viewing- and took it down again whenever the thrill-seeking baby was in her room!


3 Stacey May 19, 2010 at 4:09 pm

seems like a choking hazard to me….


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