the great wide interwebs #14

by mari

Mid-Century Modern Dollhouse

It’s been an unusual week around our house. My husband took a week’s vacation from work. But I thought heard the word “Vacation” and subsconciously hoped for some family time, a little extra help with a certain little person, and getting things done together. What he really meant was: Dearest wife of mine, I’m not going to work this week so that I can spend my entire work day sitting in a coffee shop and finishing my PhD Dissertation. (the only part that didn’t happen was the part about finishing the damn thing, it’s still in process). It’s amazing how much it affected my day though, knowing he was choosing to be away all day, versus being stuck at work. Anyway, today we took the day together and headed to the zoo and had a wonderful time so that’s made up for all of the weirdness.

And now for a couple of links around the web – this week I seem to a have a mid-century modern furnishings theme going on. Enjoy!

  • (image above) I am insanely jealous of this mid-century modern dolhouse, a thrifty find from MoModerne. Found via BuyModernBaby.
  • This Eames Chair Hack (part Eames Molded Plywood gloriousness and run-of-the-mill highhair?!) makes me giggle. I love it, but could never willingly do it to an actual Eames chair. But a random G-Sale find? Maybe.
  • Mini Modern takes a modern fish “house” and reminds me to think outside the box. Because it makes a GORGEOUS dollhouse. So smart.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Samantha August 9, 2010 at 8:34 am

Love the open air quality to this dollhouse. I want one for myself! More specifically if we could build a house like this that would be grand. Great find Miz Big. ; )


2 Miz Big August 9, 2010 at 5:31 pm

I agree – let’s all pool our resources and build the perfect life size modern dollhouse. And of course, it should be in this exact color palette, yes?


3 Tamara January 8, 2012 at 10:40 am

When I was a child I recived this dollhouse for Christmas. I wish that I still had this I would pass it to my grandaughter.


4 Miz Big January 8, 2012 at 10:54 am

Tamara – I wish you had it too! It’s so hard to keep everything we loved.


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