the writeboard for a furry message

by mari

Unique kids fur message white board

Forget chalkboard paint on walls, whiteboard calendars, stickers, post-its, and regular old notes. It’s time for your kids to write their messages in fur. I saw the Dedo by Gonçalo Campos today via Core 77 and I had to feature it right away. Because seriously, you need one and you need one now. And while you wait for it to arrive on your doorstep, maybe you can gather some of the less loved stuffed animals from around your house and write a letter on each. I’m seeing a row of teddy bear butts spelling out “Buy bread!”

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1 Ana September 2, 2010 at 8:43 am

I found this board really fun, since my daughter is always telling me she wants a furry carpet because it’s fluffy… She would love to have a message board like this!
I was really happy to see that it was designed by a Portuguese, like me!


2 Miz Big September 2, 2010 at 8:50 am

His other work is pretty cool too, but I love how irreverent and silly this message board is. Your definitely needs one!


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