Yesterday’s post pulled out some of the lesser-known gems in the US for affordable kids fashion selections. Today? I bring you the WORLD. Mwah – hah – hah – hah! Ok, it’s only three websites (and a fourth honorable mention) but they’ll ship to your US doorstep and the fashions are very very refreshing after an afternoon at Old Navy.
(image above) This collection of Scandinavian goodness reminds me of Marimekko – bright colors, big prints, and bold combinations. Though the prices are bearable, they’re probably the highest of today’s website picks. Luckily their sales make up for it.
This Swedish Company is seriously the Ikea of kids clothing. Simple graphics, silhouettes, and colors combo’d with modern shapes and styles keep me fascinated. They’re everyday prices are good, but their sales are legendary (to me anyway!).
Coming out of South AFrika, Naartjie kids brings a funky, colorfully patterned world to your children. I think the girls’ selections are more unique than the boys, but all of it is fresh – and some of the dress silhouettes are so unique!
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