If 1 picture is worth 1000 words, then today I’ve got 8000 words for you. These are the images that are bumping around in my head while I plan for Birdie’s birthday party this weekend. Hopefully I’ll catch some good pics of my own fete to share with you next week!
Image above: 1. castle cake 2. bouncing ball cake 3. bird tags 4. lollipop cake
Image above: 1. hanging party decor 2. streamers in the breeze 3. pom pom garland palette 4. tissue ball cluster
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oh my, such beautiful ideas!
I am starting to collect inspiration for a first birthday in March.
thank you!
Thanks Peggy, I’m glad they might help you! I actually think I planned less for her first birthday – I was such a noob. This year I’m having more fun with it all!
Good luck to you!
Love your timing too. Trying to finish a plan for our daughter’s party next week. Feeling the stress. Thanks for the great ideas!
There are so many little things to keep track of when planning a party aren’t there? You’ll have to show us which ideas were most helpful! Send me some pics: big@smallforbig.com!
party always be my big headache, i always just hand over to my GF, i think girls like to plan this. i just need to say yes, and pay the bills
Carte Blanche makes my life easier, I admit.
Such an easy and beautiful look with those streamers in the breeze
I think I’m loving that streamers picture because of that breezey summer feeling. Which is probably impossible to replicate in January in Minnesota! Ha.
I want that castle cake for myself! LOL.
Good idea, let’s share one!
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