snow day

by mari

Handmade Kids Animal Scarf

We’re having another blizzard here – it ‘s pushing us close to a record year. In fact, today the weather is so bad that one of the classes I teach at MCAD (Minneapolis College of Art and Design) has been cancelled. It may sound odd, but here in Minnesota it’s rare for colleges to cancel based on the snow. Apparently the 18″ of snow with high winds forced them to reconsider!

So. I’m having a snow day with Birdie today! We might even brave the great outdoors  – if she can still move once I bundle her up. The one thing I forgot this year? A cowl for her neck.  It hit me early on that a cowl would be easier than a fussy old scarf. Looks like other creative types had the same idea – I’ve got three picks for some mod cowls for kids, which one do you like?

(image above) Celaplu’s Mini Foks ($52) is my absolute favorite, but may be a little less practical when battling a true Blizzard. They even make them in adult sizes. Plus, I think it’d be perfect for a chilly spring evening, don’t you?

(image above) Five Sisterz Cowls ($18) for kids are extra long, ready to loop around the neck a couple of times. Very handy for changing weather – some days we need more neck-love than others.

(image above) Sprinkle With Sugar’s Kiddy Cowl ($23) is the simplest scarf of the bunch – but it also looks like it could be the warmest. And I’m mesmerized by that citrusy green color.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Alix February 21, 2011 at 4:00 pm

what cuties!!! love these…..


2 Miz Big February 21, 2011 at 9:52 pm

I’m itching to have one of those foxy numbers!


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