top picks #35

by mari

Vintage A Frame Kids Playhouse Ideas

What’s my favorite moment of the week? Laying out the extra packing paper from a friend’s birthday gift onto the floor, laying Birdie down on top of it, and tracing around her from head to toe. I love it most because she loved it more than I did! We had to do several versions, adding faces, patterned clothes, etc. Simple. Fun. Memorable. It’s helping me ignore the icky parts of the week. How about you?

This week’s top picks:

  • (image above) Alix at Modern Kiddo has gathered the best ever list of children’s playhouse inspirations – old, new, and even Return of the Jedi. I think I’ll print this out and post it to the fridge for the hub’s grand Spring Scheming. (his playhouse sketches have already begun!)
  • Draw and Fold Over is devoted completely to the artistic process known as the Exquisite Corpse (leave it to the Surrealists to come up with that name). No worries, there are no dead bodies. You draw the head on a “folded” piece of paper, and the website sends it to your friends to finish the body (they can’t see the head!). The resulting creatures are hilarious – it’s a perfect snow day activity for your kids and their friends.
  • What a perfectly executed example of how to make Eye Spy Bottles all on your own – I think we need one before our next dinner out on the town! Thanks to Steph from Modern Parents Messy Kids for the find.
  • You must take the time to watch these short but stunning language videos featuring different international cities. Each video includes bunches of words in their native tongue. It’s like a travel show, language course, and visual feast all at once.  I hope you’ll share these with your kids repeatedly!
  • Nab some great donwloads from Made by Joel in conjunction with LMNOP Mag’s Art Month Sydney Celebration and make your own paper city. Looks like they had a total blast! Download both the people and the Sydney Opera House/Luna Park.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Alix March 6, 2011 at 1:32 am

aw thank you sweet lady! i’m glad you loved ’em too!


2 Miz Big March 6, 2011 at 5:06 pm

Anytime Alix!


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