the littlest healthy gourmet

by mari

Educo Healthy Gourmet Salad Pretend Play wood Kitchen Set Kit for Kids

You won’t believe it. This weekend, at a lovely restaurant, with the requisite kids sized macaroni and cheese waiting in front of her, my 2.5 year old daughter actually had three whole bites of my salad. Lettuce. She ate lettuce. Maybe there is hope after all!

In our play kitchen we have the sets of cut-em-yourself veggies and fruits. We have some wooden bread, cheese, eggs, even some odd-looking cuts of meat that are probably completely unrecognizable to a 2 year old. But we also have the only things she ever plays with: the make-your-own cupcakes, the make-your-own pizza, and the scoop-your-own-ice cream. My current – probably slightly delusional – hypothesis is this: the veggies and fruit we have don’t make anything. They’re just raw components. Maybe she’ll create stiry fry delicacies and veggie lasagna when she’s 4 or 5, but for now, it’s a bit overwhelming? Instead, Educo Healthy Gourmet Salad For Green Eaters, $20 is a luscious ready to assemble salad. Just like her favorite puzzles, she can see the end goal and plan accordingly. And then calmly feed that end goal to the dolphin, chicken, puppy, Mo Kitty, Baby Sophie, and maybe even her momma if there are left overs.

You should also sneak a peek the Educo Healthy Gourmet Pita Pocket Lunch, $15 – I’m fairly certain a child’s natural stuff-it-till-it-bursts philosophy will be thoroughly tested. We also have their kitchen set – the stove/sink and the separate refrigerator and love them both!

{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }

1 fanfamfun September 20, 2011 at 3:46 am

really cute! i had my grandma make some cloth play food for my kids. i thought she was just going to make a few things…. ended up with an entire grocery store set up of play food! they love it. we also throw in a few finger puppets and have ‘tropical fish sandwiches’ or ‘giraffe and moose salad’ ;) x


2 Miz Big September 20, 2011 at 8:35 am

Hehe, I love the finger puppet seasonings!!


3 Samantha September 20, 2011 at 9:32 am

YES she ate salad!! Way to go Birdie!!


4 Miz Big September 20, 2011 at 10:55 am

I know!!! Kudos goes to the yummy balsamic vinaigrette too!


5 Celina September 20, 2011 at 10:22 pm

I wish my kids would eat salad… I also wish you had written this post a month ago! I just checked the kitchenette, and love it! But I have one coming in the mail ( a gift for my daughter) and I’m hoping it’s just as cool…


6 Miz Big September 21, 2011 at 9:50 am

Hehe, I fear the salad-eating may be temporary insanity. We’ll see! Which kitchen did you get? There’s so many options, I’m sure you found a good one too.


7 Zina :: Let's Lasso the Moon September 23, 2011 at 10:04 am

This is so sweet and I love the pitas, lol. I have a collaborative board on Pinterest called “bring back the family meal.” I just had to post this:
*I love that it is a HEALTHY toy vs. a McD’s set! So cool.


8 Miz Big September 23, 2011 at 6:28 pm

Exactly! Thanks Zina!


9 Zina :: Let's Lasso the Moon November 15, 2011 at 1:14 pm

I do design work for a small digital marketing company. Of course, I though of you when I set up this boutique email: Love the toaster and honey too.


10 Miz Big November 15, 2011 at 11:24 pm

Yeah – I like the toaster too! We have the Plan Toys toaster, but the honey is such a nice touch.


11 Michelle September 27, 2011 at 12:35 pm

This is such a great idea. Especially in this day and age where health of our kids are in question. This can only do good. I wish we could see more educational type toys become more main stream.


12 Miz Big September 28, 2011 at 7:50 am

I completely agree Michelle! Kids are so influenced by what’s around them, the more we can reinforce the good stuff, the better.


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