you need a kitty to love

by mari

Needle Cord Handmade stuffed Cats from Rising Late on Etsy

So I’m allergic to cats. My poor little girl thinks this is a pretty sorry thing. In fact, she said the other day, very matter of factly:

“I really want a real cat. *sigh* I think I need a different mother.”

Um, we had a little chat at that point. Talk about a guilt trip! Of course, as most moms know (and I am constantly reminded), momhood in and of itself is one giant guilt trip, am I right?

So after a long day of researching some complicated designs, I’m in the mood for some simple, sweet kitty love. Like these adorable Needle Cord Cats from Rising Late. I doubt she’d believe they’re real, but I think they’re better that way. Or, if you have something against cats, there are some sweet little bears too.

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