wooden gumballs are still fun to play with

by mari

Shiomi and Kiko+ wooden Japanese toys - gumball machine for kids

Bubblegum. The stuff of legend for my 3.5 yo. We keep telling her she’s too young, while she keeps seeing it all around her, taunting her. Followed by severe begging, pleading, and cajoling. This girl is a master negotiator.

But, I will remain firm. Maybe we’ll add this amazing wooden Gumball Machine from Kaz Shiomo & Kiko+ ($58) to our arsenal. It’s self-preservation really. It will give us the gumption we need to remain firm in our “no”, while simultaneously giving her more gum in one fell swoop than she can count, literally. That should stop negotiations cold.

If gumballs aren’t your family’s tipping point, perhaps these other amazing products from Shiomi & Kiko+ will help. Maybe you’ll find something that will give you and your kids the peace of mind you need!

Aavilable in the US at A+R Store:
Machi Wood+Magnet Town ($58) – Ashiato Cat/Dog shoes ($37.50)
Available from Australian site Tulp Kids:
Gakki Percusion Set ($67.50) – Tanabata Japanese Star Dominoes ($64.95)  – Kuruma Car ($32.50)

You can see more toys and read more about them at Kiko-Kids.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Cassie September 25, 2012 at 10:17 am

Haha – I’ve completely forgotten what a big deal bubblegum is to little kids! I remember really wanting to wear gloves instead of mittens but my mom wasn’t convinced I could figure out the finger situation.


2 mari September 25, 2012 at 4:12 pm

Omg, Cassie, I’m having that exact mitten/glove debate with Birdie right now too! More negotiations …


3 Louise September 27, 2012 at 9:08 pm

we LOVE wooden toys – but they can be tough to find. these are so cute!!


4 mari September 28, 2012 at 1:33 pm

Same here – and these seem like they’d last for years. Simple, functional, and beautiful too.


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