It seems December is going to be one of those months. I swore I wasn’t going to let the stress get to me! But at this point all I want to do is disappear inside a sweet Fairy Tale. You know, the kind of tale where you know everything works out in the end and all the strife is worth it? I’m particularly fond of the Flip Up Fairy Tales from Child’s Play. Why, you ask?
The problem has been twofold. I have been wanting to read classic fairy tales to Birdie for some time now, but I could never find books that were age appropriate and simultaneously pleasing to look at it (and not Disney-ified). The best part of these Flip Up Fairy Tales is in the retelling. My favorite example of the softer stories: Rapunzel’s man doesn’t go blind, he just loses his glasses. And the in the end, they don’t get married, but they become great “friends”. Which could lead to many things, it’s all in the interpretation!
Alongside the gentler stories and sweet illustrations are the flip-up features – almost every spread includes a flap with a surprise underneath. That goes a long way towards keeping a squirmy preschooler occupied during some of the longer passages. Plus they each come with CD retelling the story as well. There are tons of favorites available in this series – from the more standard Cinderella, to The Boy Who Cried Wolf, to Goldilocks – all of which should probably be required reading for the Pre-K set.
Make sure to check out the awesome Classic Books with Holes series too. There are a plethora of old school favorites with peek-a-boo holes: like There Was an Old Lady, Ten Little Monkeys, The Wheels on the Bus, and many more. Available as board books, or as oversized books, these quick reads are classics for a reason. I love them all!
This post was graciously sponsored by Child’s Play, but all opinions are my own. Thanks Child’s Play!
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