spring in your steps

by mari

Zib Textile handmade leggings for kids on etsy

I’ve been splurging on lots of new dresses for Birdie these last couple of weeks. I think it’s my only way to deal with the overwhelming longing for Spring that has plagued me for all of the month of March. The plague is made worse by temperatures that are consistently hovering in the range of below freezing. So yeah, I’m obsessing over summer dresses in the hopes that one day she and I will both get to wear them. Or we’ve entered some fairy tale universe of unending Winter.

Assuming that we are, indeed, still in reality, I’d love several pairs of these leggings to match up with her dress collection. They are so much better than your regular old stripey options. Or standard black. Zib Textile has you covered, literally, in womens and kids sizes. I can’t decide which colors to choose first!

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