grow your own hideaway

by mari

Garden Fort with vines or sunflowers for kids from Hearthsong

Where the heck is Spring?! I’m getting desperate over here, and it sounds like much of the Northern half of the US is feeling the same way: cold. It has me double-duty daydreaming of plants in an almost obsessive way. I caught myself huffing the dirt of one of my houseplants the other day. Honestly, I recommend it, it’s very soothing.

Maybe we can do something productive and plan for the day when Spring finally says hello. We can get all our gardens ready for a fort like this one. I remember a shaded nook of bushes under our favorite Cottonwood tree as a kid that was sacred to us every summer. I’d hide down there and just listen to the leaves. I want to do the same thing for Birdie, and Hearthsong’s Garden Fort looks like a way to guarantee the opportunity presents itself – in case your yard’s existing bushes aren’t feeling particularly compliant. I also think I may have to buy  Moss Milkshake, for the name of it, if nothing else!

Or, you can also create a more portable version with these giant sunflower seeds and a plethora of pots. I may try this approach, because we’re hoping to move this year and I hate to put all that work into something and leave it behind. What about you, which version do you prefer?

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

1 louise April 3, 2013 at 12:44 am

My son was just playing in the neighbor’s maple tree fort! You can still see in it now, but by summer it’s going to be cool!!


2 mari April 3, 2013 at 10:59 am

No way! A maple tree fort?! That must be amazing – I bet it took years to grow big enough too!


3 Carissa April 3, 2013 at 7:36 pm

This looks super fun! Did the sunflowers attract a lot of bees? I’m thinking I might try this with sweet peas. What so you think?


4 Miz Big April 3, 2013 at 10:15 pm

Him, the bees is a good point. I’d ask the Etsy seller (see the link above).
I bet sweet peas would work too – I just saw a Pinterest pin where they made a teepee with poles and bean vines of some kind. So cool.


5 Miz Big April 3, 2013 at 10:17 pm
6 Barbara April 21, 2015 at 9:25 pm

Will the sunflower fort attract bees


7 mari April 23, 2015 at 10:06 am

You know, we had one last summer and I didn’t notice an increase in bees at all. It probably depends on your area though – if there are a lot of bees around, they may head that way? Good question!


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