finkelstein, not frankenstein (ok, maybe a little)

by mari

Sloth Stuffed Animal Toy from Finkelstein's Center

Early on in my toy loving and designing career, I realized I was way over the teddy bear. I wanted to see alligators and dodo birds and 3-toed sloths. If it’s going to be a cute cuddly stuffed animal anyway, why not make it more interesting at the same time?

Finkelstein’s Center clearly agrees. I’m so very thankful they do! Yes, there are some sweet lovable lambs and bunnies and lions (and they really are cute, I’d like one of them too), but there are also awkward mutts, monsters without a name, rhinos, and giraffes. I like to think they’d look best lined up in a collection of all shapes and sizes, but perhaps we should start out with just one and see what happens? I know Birdie would choose the pig because it’s pink, but what about you? Clearly, I”d choose the sloth.

You can find Finkelstein’s Center at Assemble Shop & Studio, as well as in Finkelstein’s Center’s Etsy Shop.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Emily @ Peck Life July 24, 2013 at 1:24 am

I couldn’t agree more – I have such a thing for sloths!! AHH. I love these!


2 Mari July 24, 2013 at 5:37 pm

Yay! I’m glad we agree! It sounds to me like maybe your littles need one ;)


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