space: the wooden frontier

by mari

Curiosity Rover wooden sculpture from Absurd Realities on Etsy

I want to see a video of this fancy pants wooden Curiosity Rover in motion so badly I could scream. Isn’t he amazing? Wouldn’t it be even more amazing if he could be your pet Rover, roving around the house and beeping like Wall-E? I suppose then he couldn’t be made out of wood … or could he? I’m imagining my future 30 years from now with a wooden pet, and I like it.


Absurd Realities creates the more expensive Rover, and the less expensive Luna 9 to get your Space fix. Can you believe the Rover is made up of 120 pieces cut on a scroll saw? Crazy. And on the other end of the spectrum, you can purchase your very own Vikings ship, the King of the Red Lions, and help every small action figure in your house sail off on an adventure.


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