round about: dead bloggers & mini suitcases

by mari

Top links this week: retro art - suitcase DIY - bottle DIY - desktops downloads - state of blogging

Parents of 5 year olds, I’m at my wit’s end. My usually confidence, ebullient, social little girl is suddenly suffering from the worst case of separation anxiety. She claims she wants to spend all of her time with me (which can’t possibly be true) and spent the first part of dance camp today (at her favorite dance school, where she’s danced happily all last year) sobbing and telling me she doesn’t want to dance anymore because she’d rather sit in my lap. After bribing her (with something I’m ashamed to name) she finally went in, and turned out to have a great time. Sigh. I wish I knew how to help her feel better about the things I know she’s capable of -she seems to have lost all of her confidence and we’ve no idea why. So, fellow parents, if you have any words of wisdom, I’ll take them. All of them.

That’s all that’s on my mind this week – she makes it pretty hard to forget, honestly.

Meanwhile, round about the internet:


{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Kristin August 8, 2014 at 9:18 am

Hi Mari,
You don’t have to be the mom of a 5 year old to recognize this! I’m the mom of a 31 year old and can give you the long view: it’s just the turmoil that accompanies change. I suspect she’s about to make a huge developmental leap. Your job is is simply to be the anchor, the constant she knows she can return to. Don’t overreact, just acknowledge that she may feel uncomfortable and let it be simply that. Kids react to moms in so many ways. Model calmness for her. She sounds like a very bright, engaged girl. Trust her to make this transition, and then enjoy the rewards!


2 mari August 10, 2014 at 9:44 am

Thanks Kristin, yeah, we’ve had other times when you can see in hindsight a developmental shift was taking place. I really love the idea of being the anchor – Modeling calmness is a good point too!


3 Celina August 8, 2014 at 8:51 pm

Oh I have no recommendations but all I can do is send you and birdie lots of hugs and courage. XXX


4 mari August 10, 2014 at 9:44 am

Thank you sweetie!!!


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