put your wind-up toys to artistic use

by mari

Echo Yang autonomous Machines - drawing with toys - robotic drawings | Small for Big

Do you have a junk drawer/box/bin specifically for your kids? I optimistically named Birdie’s her Treasure box. When in fact, it’s the place where all her mini, random, not-so-useful bits end up. Like spare parts from a toy I can’t find at the moment, dice, pretty rocks, and some wind-up chicks from the Easter bunny. But now? Now at least I know what to do with those wind-up chicks!


We’ve seen some fun robot drawing tutorials online, and I’ve wanted to try each and every one. But Echo Yang’s autonomous machines are the most approachable. You don’t need to gather wires and gears and know-how -just add a brush or a Q-tip or other mark-making tool to an existing device! Pure brilliance. I’m in love with the little chick in the video too, she looks like she’s working so diligently – like she’s finally been rescued from that random junk bin and given a truer purpose.

robot drawings using toys and brushes robot drawings using toys and brushes

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 danielle @ this picture book life March 11, 2015 at 11:10 am

This is wonderful!


2 mari March 11, 2015 at 8:32 pm

Isn’t it amazing? I just love the concept.


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