your living, bioluminescent, easiest pet ever

by mari

Biopop Dino Pet Nightlight - Glowing Water Pets - Glowing Kids Aquarium | Small for Big

When I was little, I remember one day my dad came home with this little vial of water. He was a music professor, and had nabbed this little vial from a colleague in the science building. When he shook that water, it lit up like a glow stick. Why? It was filled with tiny living organisms that would glow when agitated. I was entranced. I never forgot those little guys, even though eventually they died out (I don’t think we ever fed them?)

Dino Pet glowing plankton aquarium toy nighlight pet

But now, coming to 2015, and we have just placed an order for this gorgeous Dino Pet. It’s actually an optically-clear apatosaurus-shaped dino vessel that we get to fill with living, bioluminescent dinoflagellates. I’m as enthralled as I was so many years ago!

Apparently these single-cell plankton live in the ocean – and there are beaches you can visit, places you can surf, and in general chill out with these glowing little beings. Check out the video from Biopop to get a sense of what these little creatures will do.

They only need feeding once a month, which is perfect for those of us looking for low-stress pet care, and all they need during the day is access to sunlight. Let’s just hope they’re easy to keep alive, because I’m hoping we’ll have them for a very long time. I’m going to name them Fred 1, Fred 2, Fred 3, Fred 4 …

The Dino Pet // A Living, Bioluminescent Dinosaur from BioPop on Vimeo.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Juju at Tales of May 1, 2015 at 4:08 pm

I want one for me.


2 mari May 5, 2015 at 8:25 pm

We’re loving ours so far – though with the longer sunlight hours of spring/summer, we see the glowing a bit less right now!


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