play it again with encore toys

by mari

Encore Toys - Eco-friendly wood dollhouses - Stuffed Bunny Family and House | Small for Big

Aaaah, do you feel that? It’s the start of a brand new year. Clean, fresh, and unknown. Even better, it’s the start of school again! I loved having Christmas break with Birdie and lots of family time, but boy howdy we are all ready to get back into our usual routines. (though I’ll admit, the house feels a little quiet this morning?)

Encore Toys - french eco-friendly wood dollhouses, doll furniture, and organic cotton stuffed rabbit familyEncore Toys - french eco-friendly wood dollhouses, doll furniture, and organic cotton stuffed rabbit family

I just stumbled across these gorgeous sets of rabbits, furniture, and modular dollhouses from Encore, and I’m kind of wishing I’d put them on my Christmas list. Made of solid beech wood from managed European forests, water-based paints, and organic fabrics, these toys are beautiful from start to finish. The rabbits are hand embroidered, and work hard at having fun while being ecologically-minded – with attention to details in the garden and more. The big idea? Get kids to play ecologically on a small scale now – so that they’ll inherently act that way as they grow! I’ve heard so many stories of kids correcting parents when we’re not being eco-conscious, that I have a feeling this kind of play will fit right in. Besides, those rabbits are too cute to pass up, seriously.

Encore Toys - french eco-friendly wood dollhouses, doll furniture, and organic cotton stuffed rabbit family Encore Toys - french eco-friendly wood dollhouses, doll furniture, and organic cotton stuffed rabbit family

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