hand out some love tokens

by mari

I mentioned last week that I’ve been racking my brain for a good handmade Valentine’s idea for my 3 year old. We need to make little Valentine’s for 25 of Birdie’s classmates at school, and I really wanted it to be something unique and fun for her to make. So, inspired by these salt dough ornaments I found on Pinterest and these clay hearts, we’ve made little love tokens to have and to hold. We added a little glitter to the backs to make them more kid-fascinating. Scroll below the photos for the details.

What did we use?

  • Clay: I nabbed a bucket of Crayola Air Dry Clay from Target – and it’s really easy to work with! I was pleasantly surprised. It does take a long time to dry, you’ll need at least 24 hours before painting, and a little longer to fully dry out.
  • Cookie Cutter of your choice.
  • Bird Stamp: Yep, it’s just a rubber stamp.
  • Paint: I’m in love with Martha Stewart’s new line of paint (it supposedly covers anything) and the glitter paint makes adding the bling super easy.

How did we do it?

I think the photos are pretty self explanatory. Birdie was able to do all the cutting out and stamping by herself!

One tip, I used wax paper behind the clay while rolling it out and cutting the shapes – try something else. The wax paper disintegrated under the wet clay and stuck in nasty little pieces to the back of some of the hearts. (which I then carefully peeled off bit by bit! Gee, what fun.)

I have a big bundle of glassine envelopes from some long-forgotten project that we’ll use to hold each heart. Add a quick Happy Valentine’s Day note stamped by Birdie, and I think we’re ready!

{ 11 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Celina February 10, 2012 at 8:46 am

Is Valentines a really big thing in the states? Do all the kids have to bring something to school or do you choose to do it? It’s really not a big deal here, I might or might not do anything with my kids… But now I’m feeling the pressure ;) My husband is great at forgetting this holiday and every year we argue! This year I sent him the Goop newsletter I got, so he has no reason to forget! But this DIY looks simple enough to try with the kids, maybe we’ll surprise my husband this year… Shhhh!


2 Miz Big February 10, 2012 at 4:01 pm

LOL, I just heard something that made me realize how much bigger Valentine’s day is here in the US. It’s partly too much marketing, but yes, even when I was a kid we all exchanged Valentine’s with candy every year – and decorated boxes or bags to hold them all in class.

My husband and I don’t do too much for each other on Valentine’s Day, but I’ve trained him (11 years into our relationship!) to do SOMETHING. Good luck with the kids – I think it’s an easy thing to do, and would be sweet sitting on a desk or shelf after the holiday.


3 Sandra February 12, 2012 at 8:55 pm

I am not a HUGE Valentine’s Day person with my husband – we do the cards and sometimes a gift but not much more. It feels kinda like New Years to me – a bit forced.

That being said, I LOVE decorating and making V-Day crafts with our six year old daughter. It’s just one of many holidays over the year where we do crafts as a family and have some yummy treats.

Did you enjoy the Alt class last week? I am taking a few more – how about you? It’s always inspiring….


4 Miz Big February 12, 2012 at 10:37 pm

You know, that’s the thing, I was kind of over Valentine’s Day until I had Birdie. Now I start brainstorming ideas as soon as Christmas is over – it’s all about the crafty, handmade kid-friendly things. Not the chocolates or the flowers. (Though hey, I like those too)

I’m taking another Alt class this week – Tuesday at 10 PST, maybe I’ll “see” you there!


5 Lexy @ The Proper Pinwheel February 12, 2012 at 9:57 pm

Holy smokes! These are the most precious Valentines I’ve ever seen. I would love these hanging on a tree.

I’ve been staring at that Martha glitter paint for a while now, and you just sold me. Making the purchase tomorrow. Everything about this post is great. The pics, the directions, you nailed it!

I need a daughter. Or just borrow a little girl for an afternoon. :)


6 Miz Big February 12, 2012 at 10:39 pm

Thank you!!!
You’re right, they’d be lovely on a tree.

The only word of caution with the glitter paint: to really get glorious full coverage you’ll need a couple of coats. Because Birdie is only 3 years old, I’m trying hard to not worry about the thin one-coat we’ve done. It’s spotty, but endearing ;)

Boys might like making these too you know … ;)


7 Jenn Z. February 17, 2012 at 9:06 am

I recently used this clay and really liked it. Try rolling it out on Freezer paper instead, it’s sturdier than the wax paper and the shiny side doesn’t stick to the clay unless you really mash it on. Even then it can be removed ball balling up a piece of the clay and rolling it over the stuck pieces.

Love the hearts, very cute!


8 mari May 10, 2012 at 10:07 pm

Great point Jen! Thanks for sharing!


9 Amanda January 23, 2014 at 10:29 am

These are really cute! I shared these on my Facebook page and people loved it :) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153765438135217&set=a.353593675216.349539.323548680216&type=1&stream_ref=10


10 mari January 24, 2014 at 9:22 am

Thank you!!!


11 Wire January 17, 2024 at 9:20 am

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