getting to their insides

by mari

Sometimes explaining the insides of anything to a child feels like an overwhelming task. If they can’t see it, how do you describe it? Kiddos are just too literal, and my hand gestures and rudimentary language just don’t cut it.


Luckily we are in the age of good books and amazing apps like The Human Body, from Tinybop. It’s an exploratory app, without any specific learning goals. There aren’t any voice overs, or labels (unless you want them). But with its clever layers, simple animations, and a fairly intuitive interface, your kids will lose hours exploring their own body.

Though kids can explore it on their own, it’s also a great app to explore together: then you get to be the voiceover, explaining things with the visuals you always needed. Create a parent account and you can control all kinds of features – from sounds, to labels, etc. Plus, there is a recording function that allows kids to ask a question directly in the app. This app is so much better than playing Angry Birds.

Take a peek at this amazing paper animation by the illustrator, Kellie Anderson, too:


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 isabelle stolar September 4, 2013 at 5:18 pm

This is fantastic! Thank you.


2 Natasia Hove September 19, 2016 at 3:04 am

So cool!


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