gaining control over our kids viewing choices

by mari

Birdie is now capable of typing in her own searches on her iPad. Ok, she’s 6, so most of the time her spelling isn’t accurate, but that’s probably even more dangerous than if she was able to type in “Grumpy Cat” correctly. I’m not ready for this, and I don’t know how to manage her curiosity versus the internet’s voracious appetite. I’m looking for help.

Smartfeed Safe Media Service for Families - Kickstarter Kids Media App

Smartfeed might just be the answer we’re looking for. This new service gives parents a portal where we can load and curate all of the media we want our kids to have access to in one main location. It’s also chock-a-block full of resources, best practices, and a global database of kid-friendly suggestions and ratings. I don’t know what part excites me more: the database and resources, the community of like-minded parents, or the all-in-one portal that could mean the end of switching between our Netflix, Amazon Prime, HuluPlus, etc.  I literally can. not. wait. for their launch!

SmartFeed is a tool for parents to easily and conveniently manage kids’ digital media across all content and device platforms.  Think Pandora (curated recommendations) meets Netflix (ease of delivery) with Facebook (like minded community) for Parents.  The goal is to do more than just filter out the bad stuff but to feed our kids positive, engaging, healthy content instead.” – Smartfeed’s Kickstarter campaign.

Smartfeed Safe Media Service for Families - Kickstarter Kids Media App

Let’s help Smartfeed reach their Kickstarter funding goal! There are lots of options for families to pledge. You can test the waters with a short-term membership, or move on up to a yearly family membership, and other great deals to get you and Smartfeed up and running. This is the resource we need to keep an eye on what our kids have access to – it’s so much better than looking over their shoulders every 30 seconds.

Smartfeed Safe Media Service for Families - Kickstarter Kids Media App Smartfeed Safe Media Service for Families - Kickstarter Kids Media App

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