school starts right with bright star kids labels

by mari

It’s that time of year:: when all those new and improved school things we buy for the kiddos are about to get lost forever. Unless, of course, we take the time to label each. and. every. silly. little. thing. Let me share a little secret with you.

Bright Star Kids Labels - Back to School Supplies - Kids Labels

Bright Star Kids labels makes the process easy, no-mess, no-fuss, and long-lasting.  I’ve been a customer of theirs for awhile now, and I can say with certainty that their labels WORK. We still have water bottles from 3 years ago with their Bright Star Labels on them. Even better, they haven’t faded, ripped, or worn out on the edges. They look great. I mean, really great considering the wear and tear they’ve had: including the dishwasher, summer camps, lots of dirt, lots of fiddly fingers poking at them, and super-hot or super-cold cars. These labels go the distance!

Bright Star Kids Labels - Back to School Supplies - Kids Labels

So that’s why it’s so easy for me to tell you that you need your own set of Bright Star Kids Labels. One of their Value Label Kits will cover (and I do mean that literally) everything you need to label for the fall: from lunch boxes to pencils to clothes to shoes. I keep the labels close at hand for those random mornings when suddenly a new thing needs to go to school – slap on a label and off they go! These things are seriously easy.

Bright Star Kids Labels - Back to School Supplies - Kids Labels

A big thank you to Bright Star Kids for sponsoring this post! As always, all opinions are my own.

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