interstellar cinderella

by mari

First of all, I keep trying to say “interstella” like I’m some kind of futuristic southern belle. I just want it to rhyme so badly! I had to get that off my chest. Ok, now we can get to the book!

Interstellar Cinderella children's book - modern princess fairytale

“Once upon a planetoid, amid her tools and sprockets, a girl named Cinderella dreamed of fixing fancy rockets.”

Interstellar Cinderella is another modern twist on a classic princess story – and I love it. Though the bones of the plot are the same – girl gets left behind while stepsisters and stepmom go to the Prince’s Royal Space Parade and Gravity Free Ball – the details are, pardon me, out of this world. In this other world, Cinderella prefers to tinker and fix things, and when the Prince asks to marry her at the end, she refuses. Instead, she requests to be his Chief Mechanic. Let your kids see another side of the story with this fun twist – and the illustrations are a blast (groan, the puns, they’re everywhere!!

Interstellar Cinderella children's book - modern princess fairytale Interstellar Cinderella children's book - modern princess fairytale

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Jean September 1, 2015 at 10:01 am

Hey Mari, Cinderella is always my favorite. But your Interstellar Cinderella Sound are really amazing. Nice topic and thanks for share with lovely picture.


2 mari September 1, 2015 at 10:39 am

Thanks Jean! I kind of wish I was Interstellar Cinderella myself ;)


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