Every time I think I’ve learned my lesson, I catch myself falling into old habits. Right now, it has everythign to do withm y workload, procrastination, and learning to say no. Anyone else have this problem? I’m trying really hard to not think of that quote about the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. Because, honestly, if that’s true, then I think that makes us all a little bit insane. Bad habits are hard to break!
Meanwhile, round about the internet:
- I need to add one of these to my list of future Smallful interpretations. via Notcot
- The coolest lollipops you ever did see. via Notcot
- A PC nightmare or a fashion do? via Kidindependent
- Letting go of being the best in class is so dang hard. via Modern Parents Messy Kids
- I just finished knitting a new hat, but now I want all of these. via So Super Awesome
- This kind of time and patience boggles the mind. via Trendland
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