keeping calm with kathryn davey dolls

by mari

For the first time in weeks, I had a slower, calmer work day yesterday. It was almost pleasant. I had time to answer my emails, wrap up some loose ends on a few projects, and in general, breathe.

kathryn davey dolls - handmade eco-friendly dolls - modern pirate dolls

All in all, I felt much like these sweet dolls from Kathryn Davey. Calm faces, restful poses, simple construction. If one of them just had my long hair and long nose we’d be all set. But that’s ok, they’re pretty cute the way they are too!  The pillow dolls are screen-printed with non-toxic inks onto organic cotton, and are backed with Linen. Each one uses eco-friendly fiber fill. Plus, there are some fun accessories over in Kathryn Davey’s shop like doll beds, bedding, and buntings too!

kathryn davey dolls - handmade eco-friendly dolls - modern pirate dolls kathryn davey dolls - handmade eco-friendly dolls - modern pirate dolls


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