love your sweet dollface

by mari

I suppose the official term for these beauties is rag dolls. But I have a hard time putting those words with these dolls!

Dollface handmade rag dolls by Jessica Lee

Reminding me of very refined dolls by Jess Brown, these sweethearts from Dollface are a tad bit more affordable. Also, they have a little more glitter and whimsy that’s extra endearing to the under 12 set, or so I would think. Each cotton doll is hand dyed in tea to create variations in skin tones and stuffed with eco friendly fibre stuffing, with lots of fanciful trim and fabrics to complete their look. They’re also 24 inches tall, which is such a super loveable size – in fact, that’s big enough for us grown ups to cuddle with!

dollface4 Dollface handmade rag dolls by Jessica Lee

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Regina December 17, 2016 at 12:51 am

Cool! That’s a clever way of lonkiog at it!


2 http://www./ December 30, 2016 at 12:27 pm

I agree, Pelmo. I’m against the draft, but at the same time, if everybody had to sign up for 2 years of military service no matter what…no exemptions based on family standing, college education, marital status, no exceptions…I’m guessing peace would reign like it hasn’t reigned in a long time in the US. Most people just don’t want to run into a swarm of bullets unless there’s a very darn good reason for running into a swarm of bullets, and “helping old draft dodgers get richer” doesn’t qualify as a very good reason in most people’s books. ;-)


3 little red quote May 17, 2017 at 10:02 am

hahh.. i have no idea… but ive posted on its a free classified site… i actually like it a LOT and refer a lot of people to it…. i have used it… and abused it… yeah. i like it a lot …


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