Today is Birdie’s last day of First Grade. Holy Hannah how is that possible? My husband keeps telling her she’s basically a second grader and that is making my head want to explode. Meanwhile, every freelance project for the month suddenly needs to be doe ttoday at noon so that I’m not pulling my hair out next week trying to get work done while she’s home wanting to play with me. Though, these days, this big girl/second grader is much more interested in playing with the neighbors or watching her dang iPad. It’s going to be an interesting summer around here. How are you guys preparing for the big transition?
Meanwhile, round about the internet this week:
- The silliest crown you ever did see. via Minted
- The only way we’ll eat cucumbers from here on out. via Handmade Charlotte
- Your jewelry needs this kind of organization. I know mine does. via So Super Awesome
- Alt Summit’s new location is so very very tempting. via Design Mom
- Make your frozen treats healthy this summer! via This Rawsome Life
- Big Girl room inspiration. via Vintage Revival
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