playing on the floor again!

by mari

There are definitely a lot of not-so-pretty playmats for our babies, but every once in awhile I stumble across the perfect playmat.

modern swan playmat from sweet creations

I think these playmats from Sweet Creations qualify as almost perfect. They’re modern, super soft, and a good size for playing on. Of course, there is some white to wash up when things get messy, but hey, new babies require a lot of laundry no matter you do. That swan is particularly awesome – who else would have a swan playmat besides you? No one, that’s who.

modern polar bear playmat from sweet creations

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Harga Hp Android September 10, 2016 at 11:52 pm

Good post, niche article bro


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