There are lots of kids crafts and art projects out there to devour – whether prefab kits, books, actitvities on Pinterest. But a lot of them spend a lot of time telling your kids what to do, and not a lot of time expanding their minds beyond the project in front of them.
If that bugs the heck out of you like it does me, then we have the book for you. My most favorite blog contributor of all time, Bar Rucci, has just launched her first book: Art Workshop. It’s a simple title, but the premise is much bigger than you might think at first glance. This book is focused on teaching you and your kids how think creatively, how to explore without a prescribed answer, and how to have a blast playing with creative materials. This book will broaden your mind at the same time as it explodes your kids minds.
But even better, you won’t be stuck with the kind of process art that falls into the trash as soon as they turn their backs. One of Bar’s amazing talents is her ability to pull together materials and concepts in a way that turns every project into something interesting. No, it won’t be a sticker project, or a paint-by-number answer, but the results will be so much better. Please, go get Art Workshop, and take some time to dive in to making!
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