
ART BAR: a year of making

It’s a bittersweet day here at Small for Big. Our amazing and talented contributor, Bar, is hanging up her regular hat for some new opportunities. I can’t thank her enough for her inspiration, her creativity, and her wonderful , kind personality. She is the best contributor I could have hoped for! We’ll miss you Bar, […]

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make: painted leaves

This is a perfect little art project to do on vacation. In fact, that’s where we made these! Escaping the longest winter known to man (which is more of an emotional statement than a factual one), we recently traveled to the Caribbean. The resort where we stayed had the most beautiful and exotic (and giant) […]

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DIY name garland

I love the saturated colors that paint chips can offer for craft projects. We always have a box of them on our supply shelves. This garland idea came from the need to brighten up by daughter’s new room, which she “hates” (her words). She sure knows all the right buttons to push to get her […]

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DIY cardboard animals {with templates}

We recently moved, which means that brown boxes have become part of the décor. I am so tired of looking at them! I wish they were pink… or robin’s egg. Obviously, being the compulsive re-user that I am, we had to make something out of them. There is so much you can do with a […]

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printable valentine coloring pages

I am completely ga-ga over how many utterly adorable Valentine cards there are to download and print on Pinterest. It’s blowing my mind! Mari has some amazing ones here on Small for Big, too, that you must check out. Added to the list today are these sweet & simple coloring pages I made…just for you. […]

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DIY: olympic flag garland

I love this craft!! OMG…we have been making these flags for days. This is one of those crafts that will stay out on the table for a long time because it’s so enjoyable and simple, and it sparks up so many interesting, worldly conversations. We’ve talked about everything from the way a flag came to […]

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DIY: love garland

I’m crazy about garlands. Aren’t you? I love making them for my kids, my family, my friends, and just about any and every occasion. Today I am sharing with you how to make this colorful & artsy LOVE garland. It’s perfect for Valentine’s day (or any day) to give to the ones you love most. […]

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DIY: yarn star ornaments

We made these this weekend and I love how they turned out. My vision of sitting with my girls by the fire, joyously wrapping pipe cleaners with yarn, was interrupted by reality. It snowed! So while the kids built sled ramps and threw snowballs at each other, I sat by the fire alone and made […]

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DIY: painted teacher gift tags

It’s time to shower our wonderful teachers with gifts and handmade goodness. This year, I wanted to make our tags even more personal with little paintings. As an added surprise… on the back of the tags, the kids were able to fill in words that reminded them of their beloved teachers. I designed these tags […]

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DIY: wooden block photo holders

If you have $20 and know how to use a drill, you can make 12 of these super cool photo holders! They are not only easy to make, they are an absolute necessity in our house. We live with real photographs everywhere. Each month they get switched out, depending on birthdays or holidays. (This set […]

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Make: hand printed fabric napkins

Back in the day, I majored in textile design. I used to wile away my hours silk screening in the art department. I miss making fabric! I once had a dream of becoming a textile designer. Not that there isn’t still time (cue photo of Grandma Moses). I have always loved printing fabric. This tutorial […]

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DIY: felt birthday banner {no sew}

Last weekend I had several hours by myself, if you can imagine. My husband had the girls, and my son played outside with his friends from the neighborhood for hours. It was my chance to make something! I could create all the mess I wanted, with no one telling me they were hungry or asking […]

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DIY: goblin garland

I get a bit rebellious when it comes to Halloween. I am not a fan of black and orange as a duo and I can’t get excited over decorating my house with these colors. Therefore, every year I try and come up with something that sets the mood but doesn’t conform. Today, I present to […]

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DIY: paperbag paintings

If you are anything like me, you have at least 20 reusable grocery bags in your car….that you forget to bring into the store almost every time. Which leaves us with massive amounts of paper bags busting out of whatever space we have designated for paper bags. Well, now you’ll have another use for them! […]

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Art Lesson: Shapes Exploration

A few months ago I bought this really cool Japanese stamp kit. I was a little intimidated by the foam shapes and cardboard pieces inside so I put it aside. Then my 4-yr old niece came to visit (who is adorable with her British accent and is really into naming shapes…I could listen to her […]

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