
rocking our cares away

Who woulda thunk that you could rock away in a hammock in the middle of the winter without an expensive flight to somewhere near the equator? Spoil the kiddos with a perfect reading spot – and napping spot – using this sweet Rocking Hammock from Magic Cabin. They’ll love the gentle motion, and the fact that […]

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worth 1000 words: double up the house beds

I’m going to pretend my next house will have a room this minimal, and this cool. Image via Architecture Daily.

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strangely adorable creatures

These silly creatures shouldn’t be so cute, and yet I can’t stop loving them. Lullaby for Fox creates these fantastical animals using polymer clays and soft furs, they’re definitely not to be played with. But their sweet expressions and crazy details make them worthy of any child’s biggest imagination. Maybe adding one of these to your […]

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give your plants more personality

Plain planters take up space, but they’re not doing much for you, are they? Up your planter game, and give your plants a dose of personality! The plants will thank you for being able to express their true colors. The kids will be much more likely to water them, at least I’d like to think […]

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your new room accessories

Want to find a way to bring some playful design into your home, but don’t want it to scream KIDS? Yeah, me too. Check out these options from design studio Elements Optimal, also known as EO. These guys have modern playtime all figured out. I love it when a small studio manages to design elements […]

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double duty oak oak chair

It’s been one of those days where clearly our items outnumber our storage capacity. This keeps happening! Its at the point where we should really make sure every single piece of furniture in our home should also have storage. If they could all look as good as this Oak Oak Chair, that would definitely help. […]

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amayadeeme for your kids rooms

Don’t want the typical zoo, car, or ballerina themes for your bedroom? Yep, me neither. Check out Amayadeeme’s collection of prints, pillows, and more to give you some fresh perspective on what a kids room can be. Any one of these fresh pieces – or several – would be a great inspirational starting point to […]

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small wild just for you

Little teeny tiny perfect animals that are just for you. Consider this a mother’s day treat – and don’t let the kiddos see them! Small Wild makes these beautiful ceramic animals as totems, figurines and necklaces. They remind me of the precious items you’d see on a woman’s dressing table, from centuries past. But of […]

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dino handles and smiley mugs

In keeping with my need to anthropomorphize everything around me – and I do mean everything – I had better highlight these amazing mugs from Creations Li. Based in Canada, these mugs from Creations Li will give you such a chuckle. Seriously, I would rather drink my hot beverage out of one of these than some […]

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5 rugs that make your kids go wow!

Kids and floors. They go together like chocolate and peanut butter, there’s no way around it. The trick, it seems, is to find rugs worthy of your kiddo’s cool factor. It can’t be any old striped affair! No, it has to have some wit, some whimsy, and a little extra flair. While browsing online for […]

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ceramic sippy cup?

Plastic sippy cups. Necessary evil, bane of our existence, or thing of the past? One of the most annoying accessories of young kids are those dang sippy cups! Now, I know, ceramic anything is not high on a mom’s list of must-haves when leaving the house with a kiddo. But at home, at mealtime, maybe […]

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coffee table + dollhouse

If you’re like most parents, one of the most frustrating hurdles of kids and their stuff is the way everything spreads. Through every room in the house, constantly. Maybe instead of trying to corral it, and cajole back into the the kids’ rooms, we just need to find a better way to “hide” it in plain […]

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Target kids decor gets a total makeover

You may remember Target’s decision to remove the boys and girls signage in their toy departments. It was a move that myself and many other moms  felt was a really good thing: now my girl can go look at Legos without feeling like she’s crossed into “boy” territory. Or vice versa for the boys – […]

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you can grow a mermaid tail in no time

One of the silliest – and enjoyable – gifts Birdie received over the Holidays was the ability to turn into a mermaid whenever she feels like it! It’s easier than drinking a magic potion or singing like the Little Mermaid. All you need is a Blankie Tail. Available in different colors and made of the […]

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pompoms and blankets go beyond cute

PIck a subtle, sophisticated palette, throw in some pops of super on-trend color, and maybe a tribal print. What do you get? The perfect hipster baby gift. Each handmade cotton/wool blend blanket from Little Louise NYC is the perfect size for strollers, with beautiful wool pom poms giving a little flounce around the edges. The […]

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