round about

shining crown">round about: secret keychains & cardboard tube letters shining crown

This week flew by! It’s the first couple of days of March, and I’m already sitting here planning our summer. No, not big vacations that require airlines and reservations, that might make sense to me. No, I’m just trying to plan out a couple of summer camps for Birdie – things fill up fast here […]

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1вин">round about: galaxy cake & geo embroidery 1вин

The week was uneventful, except for the unseasonably warm weather, but let’s not go there! I’m prepping for the Oscars this weekend. No, I will not be having a themed party with snacks and drinks and party games, but I should really clean the bathroom before a couple old friends come over to watch all […]

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round about: valentine pancakes & pin the kiss

It turns out Valentine’s Day is next week, how did that happen? I’m grateful January is over, don’t get me wrong, but it doesn’t really feel like the season of love – at least not yet! Maybe we’ll do a little decorating this weekend, or try one of these DIY’s to get us into the swing […]

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round about: marshmallow seats & cardboard cameras

No matter how clearly we may know that life is finite, when it actually shows up and slaps you in the face, it’s impossibly hard to grasp it. This week we are dealing with a death in the family, and through the heartache the most interesting part is listening to and answering Birdie’s questions. Kids […]

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round about: x’s, o’s, and pom poms

On the plus side this week, my yoga class was amazing. So good, I walked out of there wanting to be a yoga teacher! Ha! The other plus, Birdie and I didn’t fight while practicing the piano, which feels like a major win. But beyond that this week was rather slow and frivolous. Nothing exciting […]

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round about: friendship bracelet pies & choker DIYs

There is a high likelihood that the latest flu bug is about to descend upon my household. The husband came home with the cough, the throat, the chills. If the big strong guy catches it, then we’re probably all goin’ down. So, I’m going to keep this short and sweet, and go get some extra […]

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worth 1000 words: beaded bugs

Would it freak you out to find these three dimensional beauties living on your walls? See more embroidery work by artist Humayrah Bint Altaf.

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round about: bee’s knees & cat’s pajamas

I’m staring at a blank page and realizing I don’t have much to say this week. The week was a white wash of snow and more snow – much like this formerly blank page as a matter of fact. There was some design work here and there, some book reading, some napping, and of course […]

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round about: white elephants & snowy gifts

If you are in the northern half of the US this week, you’re probably feeling the cold just like we are here. I think this morning the low was around -11 degrees Fahrenheit. I hear rumors that on Sunday we won’t even get above zero. I guess that’s one way to bring in Christmas spirit! […]

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round about: holiday stuff & stuff

It figures that just as I was wrapping up this post about the chaos of this week, my browser crashed and I lost the entire post. That about sums it up around here folks! Looking to find the joy in the season anyway, and hope you can to. Let’s just get to the links shall […]

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round about: holiday diys & inspiration

It’s my favorite time of year – how many of you want to join me in the joy of this season? The lights, the smells, the crisp air and even the snow storms are magical when it’s December. We’re prepping for the season here – scheduling all the Christmas recitals and plans with family. It’s […]

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round about: paper holidays & rope bracelets

You may have noticed there was a really big election this week. No matter which side you are on, it was bound to get messy. I’m tired of the hatred I’m seeing, I’m tired of the judgement – and that’s post-election I’m talking about. If you’re reading this, be a voice of change by being […]

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round about: honeycomb turkeys & smiling coats

Yesterday turned into one of those days. Where I was mentally burnt out by about 3:15. Then I picked up Birdie from school, she has a whopper of a cold, and her bad mood combined with mine … oh my. What a day. I almost didn’t write this post to be honest, because I usually write […]

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round about: last minute halloween

Are you actually done with all of your Halloween costume prep? Like, every little thing is ready to go, and you’re just waiting for Monday? Because, as usual, we are not. We haven’t even seen all of the pieces on her body at one time! Ack! This always happens. And knowing Birdie and her high […]

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round about: raw crystal crowns & fat hammers

It’s been a long time since this happened – but this week disappeared on me. I’m not sure where it went, because on any given day things seemed relatively easy and manageable. But suddenly it’s Friday and my to-do list is still a mile long. So, while you enjoy these crazy links I found this […]

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