round about

round about: pineapple crowns & rainbow hotels

Today is Birdie’s last day of First Grade. Holy Hannah how is that possible? My husband keeps telling her she’s basically a second grader and that is making my head want to explode. Meanwhile, every freelance project for the month suddenly needs to be doe ttoday at noon so that I’m not pulling my hair […]

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round about: rainbow sandwiches & failed legos

So it just hit me. It’s summer. Does it feel like summer to you, because I’m not onboard yet. Why is it the weeks speed by, and yet that summer feeling really doesn’t kick in until a month or so after it starts? What do you do to help you get into the summer swing […]

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round about: sunshine walls & birds around our necks

It’s the start of the summer this weekend: Memorial Day. We just got a brand new rescue dog, so while my husband and Birdie spend time with the in-laws, I’ll be at home, in a blissfully quiet house, with a cuddly little pooch. I think it might be my new favorite way to spend the […]

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round about: unicorn ice cream & pencil flowers

Today is apparently Friday, but for the first time in a long while I’ve had one of those weeks where I could have sworn it was still Tuesday or Wednesday. Where did this week go? My head’s been in the clouds, and in work projects, and inn the end, not paying enough attention to my […]

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round about: mom’s day & pancakes

This weekend is full of some high expectations for some of us. The moms in the crowd know what I’m talking about. Mother’s Day comes with so many “goals”. Pamper yourself, treat yourself, let your family spoil you, when really, sometimes all Mom really wants for Mother’s Day is a lack of expectations. You know, […]

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round about: pom pom picnics & colored pencil rings

Sometimes something a little magical happens, and it can turn an entire week around in a snap. It rained this evening. By some miracle we actually finished dinner with lots of time to spare, and Birdie asked to go outside with her umbrella. I joined her, and next thing you know we’re laughing in the […]

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round about: eyeball glasses & galaxy shades

Spring break. Who’s bright idea was that anyway? In theory, I suppose it’s pretty awesome. But not so much for the parents who get to stay home all week with the kiddos? If you’re in college, hey, more power to you. Go find your way south and have a blast. That was never my idea […]

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round about: bubble paint & mermaid hair

Are you ready? It’s April Fool’s Day, and if I’m perfectly honest, I kinda hate this holiday. I think it’s probably because I’m too gullible, and I don’t like it when someone pulls the wool over my eyes. Or, it could be that I’m just not a very naturally funny person, so I can never come […]

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round about: golden eggs & delicious peeps

It’s Easter weekend! We’re planning a low-key affair, but with enough Easter eggs to keep the smaller member of the household quite satisfied. I’m wishing I had some Easter eggs planned for myself, if I’m honest. Anyone know if the Easter Bunny will drop off eggs for older, erm, children? Have a wonderful weekend – […]

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round about: lick your flowers & feather your eggs

It’s Springtime! Close enough anyway, as the Spring Equinox is finally happening this weekend. Birdie has literally been counting down the days, certain that come Monday morning somehow the world will have turned green, sunny, and fragrant with flowers. Unfortunately, here in Minnesota, that won’t really be the case. But hey, we’re on our way […]

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round about: happy clouds and dancing wigs

March is definitely not starting off with a bang. I’ve talked with several people who all feel the same way: this first week kind of sucked. Things going wrong, stinky attitudes, short tempers, and general discontent. I’m not enjoying it. Apparently, astrologically there’s a reason for it, but I’m not the one to explain it. […]

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round about: minimal or hippie it’s all good

This week kind of flew by – which in February I consider a good thing, since every day is one day closer to Spring. Which I’m practically hallucinating for already. But the week included sketching some reindeer, making some banana bread, playing with Birdie, skipping my dentist appointment (don’t worry, I rescheduled), and I wrapped […]

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round about: puppets, pajamas, and zero gravity

This has been a week. My sweet little Birdie only had a 3-day school week thanks to a faculty retreat. I may work at home, which sounds incredibly convenient when school is out – at least, it sounds convenient to everyone but me! There is still work to do. So, here we are, stumbling through […]

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round about: hearts and more hearts

It’s interesting to note that 2016 has so far been a very calm, slow, kind year to me. I can only cross my fingers that it continues. The best parts about this week are little things that turn out to make a big difference towards getting to that calm, peaceful feeling. I’ve started meditating with […]

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round about: balloon clouds & barbie hips

It has been a slow, introspective kind of week around here. Which I have to say, was so well-deserved. I’m in between big deadlines, and had time to finish up some long overdue things. Plus, there are new Valentines over at Smallful – but don’t worry, I’ll share those with you next week! In the […]

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