
worth 1000 words: a castle & a concrete printer

I really want to meet this man, his 3D printer, and his 3D printed castle. What do you think it would cost to “print” one of these in our backyard? Read more about it in my local paper, the Star Tribune, or the more detailed 3Ders.

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round about: duck shrubbery & mod paper bags

Well, folks, Birdie made it through the first week of school. In one piece, without any major tantrums, or forgotten lunches. And it sounds like she only ran around trying to kiss the boys twice. I guess that’s an acceptable amount in her eyes, but I’m not sure the boys would agree. I feel like I […]

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worth 1000 words: twilight fox

I’m trying to embrace Fall, but not having much luck. Maybe this Twilight Fox Print from Little Paper Planes will help?

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round about: abstraction & the time to hustle

School starts next week, and my little baby will officially be a big kid attending Kindergarten. In so many ways I am so not ready. But the universe has decided to throw me a couple of curve balls that are ensuring that I will find a way to be ready. As one opportunity ends, a […]

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worth 1000 words: take daddy for a ride

Heh. My husband would probably hate this, but I think it’s absolutely positively hilarious. Would your baby daddy wear one? Would you? Corripapa design concept via Gumdesign.

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round about: automatic drawings & welding camp

Sometimes something happens and your whole view of your little world shifts: you realize how lucky you really are, in comparison to all the crap that happens out there. I’m ending this week in a bittersweet but grateful mood. I’m happy for my little family, my little career, and the sunshine afternoons with the sweet […]

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worth 1000 words: smart girl

I was talking with one of the older dancers at Birdie’s dance school today, and she told me how impressed she was with my little girl at the spring recital. She told Birdie: “You’re small, but you’re smart.”. And then she heard Birdie repeating later: “I’m small, but I’m smart.” That’s right sweet child, and […]

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round about: dead bloggers & mini suitcases

Parents of 5 year olds, I’m at my wit’s end. My usually confidence, ebullient, social little girl is suddenly suffering from the worst case of separation anxiety. She claims she wants to spend all of her time with me (which can’t possibly be true) and spent the first part of dance camp today (at her favorite […]

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worth 1000 words: paper forest

I could really use a little bit of the peace and solitude this midnight forest offers up. See Sonia Poli and more at All About Paper Cutting.

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round about: mini treehouses & knotted trikes

What a strange week it’s been.  I spent a large chunk of it trying to create the perfect photoshoot filled with cherries, lemonade, Indian colors, and French rustic touches. It was a blast. I’ll tell you more about that some other day. Plus,I  finished up some logo sketches for a new client, and drew aardvarks […]

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worth 1000 words: embroidered moths

I want all those boring old paper moths in my backyard to look like these instead. See more of Yumi Okita’s work via The Jealous Curator.

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round about: circles everywhere & vibrant friends

Summer vacation can certainly take its toll, can’t it? Routines for the kiddo are hard to come by, and if you work at home like I do, I’m missing the routines (and work time) as much as she is! The bright spot this week was her drawing sumer camp at a local kids art studio: […]

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worth 1000 words: crowded teeth landscapes

There is really only one thing I have to say about these printables: I wish I’d designed them. Paper Island by Crowded Teeth, found via Mr. Printables.

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round about: bottle clouds & tree spirits

It had turned into one of those days: too long, too tired, with a too tired little girl fighting through my blinding headache. Then I took the time to gather up links for this post and found myself inspired and calmed. I guess that’s the reason I blog, in a nutshell. Here’s to a calmer weekend […]

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worth 1000 words: a different kind of rocker

I don’t think it’s available anymore, which is just as well because we no longer need a nursery rocker. But if we did, and if we had a bottomless pit of a budget, I’d get this rocker by Squint Limited. via Hoola Boola.

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