iPads & iPhones

solving a game together with your kids

There are iPad games that I put up with, and then their iPad games that I simply adore. Lumino City is in the latter category – an amazing game that will challenge you and your kids to mind-teasers and exploration, while looking absolutely stunning at the same time. Lumi has lost her Grandpa, the handyman […]

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interviewing a play designer: Toca Boca’s latest app

Toca Boca continues to be our favorite resource when it comes to kid-friendly apps. They are one of the few app companies out there that focuses on open-ended play for kids. There is no winning, losing, time limits, coins, levels, etc. t’s just kids playing with virtual toys instead of real ones. Plus, their design aesthetic […]

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gaining control over our kids viewing choices

Birdie is now capable of typing in her own searches on her iPad. Ok, she’s 6, so most of the time her spelling isn’t accurate, but that’s probably even more dangerous than if she was able to type in “Grumpy Cat” correctly. I’m not ready for this, and I don’t know how to manage her […]

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dripthat photo sharing app: part two

Last week I shared a new app called Dripthat with you –  I love to use it for creating a drip that really describes the mood over several images, and I can share it privately with family, or publicly with everyone. But this time, I wanted to show you how easy it is to turn this […]

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appy day: dripthat photo sharing app

I know, we have too many social media tools already. At least, if one tries to do them all. I’m a big believer in picking the social media channels that fit you best – especially as a blogger where social media can make or break you. My favorites are the most visual ones: Pinterest and […]

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monsters ate my birthday cake

As Birdie gets older (the ripe old age of 6!), a lot of her favorite iPad apps aren’t holding her attention anymore. So many of the good ones we’ve loved – educational, open-ended play, fun characters, fun graphics – are geared for younger kids. And we’re entering the minefield of gaming for kids filled with everything […]

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code your own apps with bitsbox

Even with so many subscription boxes out there already, I’m still not sick of them. The joy of getting a “present” in the mailbox every month is just too awesome. And it’s doubly so for kids! Bitsbox is one of the newest to the subscription category, and I’m super excited about it. Every month, Bitsbox […]

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anorak mag goes digital

This is such great news for cold, dreary, boring, Winter days with the kidlets. The kind of days where all you want to do is get home stat and curl up under a warm blanket – and the last thing you want to do is run around stores to hunt down the latest issue of Anorak […]

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appy day: toca boca’s nature creator

You can never steer wrong with an app for the kids from Toca Boca. I could review all of them, and run out of superlatives pretty dang fast – each one is amazing for such different reasons. The beauty of Toca Boca’s games is there no winner, no loser, and no end to the games. […]

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clear out your kids closets with the new Kidizen app

Are you in the throes of Spring cleaning? Perhaps you’ve just realized, as we have, that the kids have absolutely nothing to wear in this warmer Spring weather, and way too many winter clothes left. I think I’ve found the perfect app to get us through the shift in seasons (and every other week thereafter): […]

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getting to their insides

Sometimes explaining the insides of anything to a child feels like an overwhelming task. If they can’t see it, how do you describe it? Kiddos are just too literal, and my hand gestures and rudimentary language just don’t cut it. Luckily we are in the age of good books and amazing apps like The Human Body, […]

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don’t live in a vacuum

You know  me, I’m a geeky designer artsy type. So I looooooove color. I might even need a couple extra “o’s” to make my point. Because I really really loooooooooove color. Which means the Color Vacuum App intrigued me as soon as I saw it’s name. The steampunk elements are a hidden fascination of mine, […]

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the anti-bully: bully in a box

Bullying is one of those things that just shouldn’t happen. As a kid, I definitely had my run-ins with bullies, taunting, and name-calling. If you love art, learning, theater, and music in a small small town, things can be a little rough sometimes. OH yeah, and don’t even get me started on Phys. Ed. classes. […]

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gotta get app: endless alphabet with endless laughter

Birdie seems to cycle through iPad/iPhone apps much like she cycles through toys: rapidly. Most new toys and apps have an obsessed life-span of 2 days. Then they are replaced with something else. But, there are a few apps that she returns to with surprising regularity – and for lengthly amounts of time too. Endless […]

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gotta get apps for the holidays

The holidays are drawing nigh, and with them comes the dreaded holiday road trips. We have a couple trips coming up between now and the 25th, and the DVD player will definitely be in rotation. Plus, there is always the what-to-do-with-the-kids at a different toy-free home. That (and ok, at restaurants throughout the year) is […]

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