
you’ll be wild about these magical shapes

Last week at the library we found this mesmerizing book. Like magic, it creates animals out of random shapes and layers of acetate. The colors and simplicity are a designer’s dream. The story within Wild About Shapes is super basic, letting the animals speak for themselves. Asking questions like, “what can you see?” when all […]

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just in time: the book of mom

I think I’ve found the perfect personalized gift for moms – whether it’s one of us or maybe a gift for our own mothers. The Book of Everyone (with great options for anyone, mom or no) features the work of many many talented artists, which is cool in and of itself. But the fascinating part: it’s […]

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one thousand things to learn in a book

Did you have Richard Scarry books when you were a kid? The mysteries, the word books, the Best Story Book Ever (no really, that was the actual title of one of them!) I’ve brought some of them back out to share with Birdie, and they fascinate her as much as they did me. Of course, […]

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monsters ate my birthday cake

As Birdie gets older (the ripe old age of 6!), a lot of her favorite iPad apps aren’t holding her attention anymore. So many of the good ones we’ve loved – educational, open-ended play, fun characters, fun graphics – are geared for younger kids. And we’re entering the minefield of gaming for kids filled with everything […]

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code your own apps with bitsbox

Even with so many subscription boxes out there already, I’m still not sick of them. The joy of getting a “present” in the mailbox every month is just too awesome. And it’s doubly so for kids! Bitsbox is one of the newest to the subscription category, and I’m super excited about it. Every month, Bitsbox […]

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anorak mag goes digital

This is such great news for cold, dreary, boring, Winter days with the kidlets. The kind of days where all you want to do is get home stat and curl up under a warm blanket – and the last thing you want to do is run around stores to hunt down the latest issue of Anorak […]

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appy day: toca boca’s nature creator

You can never steer wrong with an app for the kids from Toca Boca. I could review all of them, and run out of superlatives pretty dang fast – each one is amazing for such different reasons. The beauty of Toca Boca’s games is there no winner, no loser, and no end to the games. […]

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these infographics are actually for your kids

I’ll admit it, I’ve been swayed by an infographic or two in my day. Bite-size chunks of information, organized beautifully into visually pleasing maze-like layouts – you had me at hello. They’re like a designer’s ideal way to communicate. But I’d never really thought about what kids might think of them. I guess I assumed […]

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going with the flow magazine

I love the bookstore. My husband starts rolling his eyes every time I start huffing the book bindings, which I do, liberally. They smell so damn good. And now, I can finally see Birdie loving bookstores too – for more than the chance to beg for a new toy or another coloring book. Today, my friends, […]

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give your kids an adventure

Every time we see a plane in the sky, I always ask Birdie: “Where do you think it’s going?” Lately she’s decided they’re all going to Paris. That sounds like a perfect destination to me! Travel and adventure are something she finds very fascinating – and what kid wouldn’t? It’s a time when rules are […]

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stage and play

Sometimes I love a product before I’ve even read the description. Such was the case with these Stage & Play sets from Chronicle Books. It’s either  the retro illustrations, the pack it up and take it anywhere pieces with their very own drawer, or the open-ended storytelling. Nope, it’s actually a combination of all of those things. […]

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clear out your kids closets with the new Kidizen app

Are you in the throes of Spring cleaning? Perhaps you’ve just realized, as we have, that the kids have absolutely nothing to wear in this warmer Spring weather, and way too many winter clothes left. I think I’ve found the perfect app to get us through the shift in seasons (and every other week thereafter): […]

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how about an incognito halloween?

For those of you looking for a less-obvious way to be in the Halloween spirit, or perhaps you’d like to sit at the mall and simply spy on all of those crazy kids wandering by, this is just the thing. I want to laugh every time I see it – imagine the reactions you could […]

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getting to their insides

Sometimes explaining the insides of anything to a child feels like an overwhelming task. If they can’t see it, how do you describe it? Kiddos are just too literal, and my hand gestures and rudimentary language just don’t cut it. Luckily we are in the age of good books and amazing apps like The Human Body, […]

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you will be my friend

Birdie takes the term “social butterfly” to an entirely new level. She has been known to introduce herself to complete strangers, then tell them her life story of the day, and she takes charge of the older neighbor kids and directs playtime like she’s on the Lido Deck. So lately I feel like we’re spending […]

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