
a costume for the ages

The holidays get so confused, a little bit of Christmas has infiltrated Halloween, have you seen it yet? In the stores maybe or the toy catalogs that have started to arrive? Well, instead of sneering at it all, I think I’ve found a solution, at least for today’s post. Tutu du Monde. Why you ask? […]

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5 halloween costumes from pillowcases

Ready for some quick and easy costume making? it’s pretty amazing what you can make with a pillowcase, some basic craft supplies, and your imagination! Making a costume should be all about the fun, and not the cost. I’ve found the best place to start is Savers, because you can find so many cheap costume […]

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be unique this halloween

Some of us love being the same costumed character every year – I could happily grab a witches hat and call it good! But, secretly, if I had a party to attend, I’d want to be as unique as possible. Check out these amazing crocheted animal accessories for Halloween, they’re made in Shanghai and may […]

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let your little ones go wild

I have a matching bracelet set for Birdie and for me, but the problem is I’m afraid to actually let her wear her delicate golden bracelet chain. I was just thinking there has to be a more durable option, right? Turns out there is – and it’s super boho chique too. Check out these leather […]

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kids clothes at your doorstep

We’ve seen the subscription boxes before, in fact, I’ve highlighted them here. Because, come on, who doesn’t want surprise “gifts” appearing at their doorstep? Did you know we can even get stylish clothes for our kidlets via subscription box? It works a lot like Stitchfix. Give Mac and Mia some info about sizes (up to 6T), […]

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our new favorite backpack, like, ever

Birdie came home from school last week with a very broken backpack. We’re not sure what happened, but somehow the strap was completely ripped loose, with a gaping hole where it was originally attached. Luckily, we had a couple of days without school to find a replacement (the only bonus to faculty retreat days!). Luckily, […]

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you can grow a mermaid tail in no time

One of the silliest – and enjoyable – gifts Birdie received over the Holidays was the ability to turn into a mermaid whenever she feels like it! It’s easier than drinking a magic potion or singing like the Little Mermaid. All you need is a Blankie Tail. Available in different colors and made of the […]

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snuggling with the foxes

Well, our warm winter is finally over. The “cold snap” has arrived, and it’s a doozy. Just in time for the boring, bitter, dark month of January too? So not fair. Sometimes you need a little pampering to get through the hard stuff. And in my Northern clime, winter definitely qualifies as hard stuff. So […]

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you can be a sweet silly

Ok, quick, before the the Holidays with a capital “H” take over. What comes after New Years? Valentines’ Day, and even though you may not think you need to worry about it now, let’s just think for a second. Are you ever prepared for Valentine’s Day? I’m not, because I’m too busy with everyone else. […]

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perfect baby toes deserve perfect baby shoes

This is such a perfect combination of gorgeous handmade gift and those old-school sew your own moccasin kits, I’m shaking my head at the brilliance of it all! Baby moccasins are becoming a required accessory for new kiddos in the know. There are tons of styles to choose from – as well as colors, materials, […]

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dress your babes with lalaka this fall

I bet this happens to other parents too. At least I hope so? You see that perfect little baby item and suddenly, ooomph, you realize your kid is way too old to ever need it. Sad moment isn’t it? But for those of you with babes and toddlers, these hand-knit items from Lalaka are here […]

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6 baby must-haves for summer time

Summer is such a wonderful time, but when you have a baby it can sometimes feel so much more complicated! Dragging things around, remembering everything you need or might need! The obvious esssentials were what always ran through my head first. Things like pacifiers, snacks, diapers, wipes and changing gear, and sunscreen. (I always forget the […]

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trying on trends with Playtime NY

Ah, summer trends. There are the timeless classics, of course, lighter fabrics, summer breezes, and a good pair of sunglasses (can I please have the star shaped sunglasses at the end of this posst? pretty please?. But let’s look at the trends on the horizon in the world of Children’s gear and fashion for 2016. Playtime NY […]

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timeless summer evenings with your girls

For the most part, we always went with the cheap pajamas from Target. I suppose the habit starts at birth, when Birdie needed several sets to get through diapers, potty training, the flu, etc. Kids and pajamas are a tough partnership in the early years. Birdie is now 6, but we never really changed our ways, but then […]

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cuddle your youngest with milkbarn kids

Pampering your youngest babies is as natural as breathing. Those sweet-smelling, warm little bodies need all the love, softness, and comforting possible. I suppose that’s why baby blankets, swaddlers, and baby linens in general are so numerous, and why I want them to be extra beautiful! Like these finds from Milkbarn Kids (formerly Zebi Kids). […]

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