Mother’s Day should be every day

by mari

Mom and Baby in shadows

Do you have any idea how hard it is to cut yourself some slack? The most amazing thing happened to me on Sunday. It was one of those light bulb moments. I realized I’d managed to cut off the inner worrier. Somehow, Mother’s Day was allowing me to stop those nagging thoughts, the extra worry, and the mental clutter.

I used to think a special day had to be filled with perfect special moments. I think it came from growing up with a summer birthday – the whole day was mine, no outside commitments, no school, no obligations of any kind. The first summer that I had to work on my birthday was all kinds of wrong.

But I realized today that the unusual thing about a special day like Mother’s Day is that I let go of all my worries. I let go of trying to please someone else all day, and especially, second-guessing others’ expectations. I turned that extra voice off. And no one else feels hurt or neglected. Everything ran just as it normally would, and to top it all off, I was happier. So apparently, all the things that go on in my head are just my things – no one else knows the difference? That’s about as shocking as it gets.

Now I just have to figure out how to make that behavior so everyday and average that I can stop worrying about it.

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