top picks #46

by mari

Rainbow City installation at the HIgh Line in New York City by Friends with You

One of the coolest things about summer is the return of the senses. Bright greens to look at, warm breezes to feel, and the best part – the smells. In the winter, having a nose is really just a hindrance – especially in Minnesota where your snot literally freezes. But in the summer? OH man, there’s the fresh mown grass, the lilacs, the smell of thunderstorms and wet tar, the smell of water from the hose, fresh dirt, dusty gravel roads, and just that rarified smell of fresh air coming in the window or clinging to my little girl when we’re back inside the house. This week, it’s that simple pleasure that’s made me happiest: smelling.

What’s your favorite summer bit of the week?

Meanwhile, around the webs:

  • (image above) There are moments when it’s all I can do to keep myself from running all the way to New York City. This time it’s thanks to the amazeballs Friends with You. (a perennial fave of mine) Their contribution to the High Line is Rainbow City – a huge inflatable installation full of bouncy castle type creatures and candy-colored goodness. Sigh. I want to go to there. via Inhabitat.
  • Childhood 101 debuts their new portal: Playopedia. Need an educational and original play idea for your rainy or not so rainy boredom day? This is your new definitive resource. I’ve got this thing on the equivalent of speed dial.
  • I am about to commence the download of every single song in this awesome summer kid-friendly playlist by My Spoonful for DailyCandy. including The Magic Numbers, Kimya Dawson, Trampled by Turtles, etc. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
  • Sometimes, the simplest craft ideas hit me the hardest. How about pencil tops masquerading as polka dot stampers? Really loving the examples created by Carloe’s Drawer, found via Lil’ Magoolie.
  • It’s time to check your sunscreens. Make sure they’re not dangerous, and that they really do what they’re supposed to by checking this thorough listing over at EWG’s Skin Deep Sunscreens 2011 listings. Once again, California Baby and Kiss My Face will be in our household!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Brita J. June 10, 2011 at 11:56 am

Thanks – as always, full of thought-provoking writing, great ideas, cool and useful links…


2 Christie-Childhood 101 June 10, 2011 at 11:27 pm

Thank you so much for the link back and kind words about Playopedia :)


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