pretty ugly baby toys

by mari

Moulin Roty Unique Infant Baby Toys

Moulin Roty’s Jolis pas Beaux (which roughly trasnlates to “the Pretty Uglies”) are my kind of baby toys. They have just the right basic features: baby-safe, super soft, multi-textured, with a little bit of sound. Luckily the extra-concentrated dose of character-building charm keeps them from seeming dull. Because if you’re going to be staring at the dang thing in your Sweet Baby Love’s hand/mouth for the next who-knows-how-long, it’s best if you don’t look bored when you see it. Your wee one might notice, you know?

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1 Cheryl Robinson November 13, 2012 at 1:20 am

I am looking for a specific baby toy I have bought at FAO Swartz in Kansas City several times before the store went out of business. I still want to purchase several more of these wonderful items, as each of my children and many of my friends’ babies, I was told, never tired of them. Description: First, a 2 1/2 inch by 1 1/2 inch rounded base, bright, shiny, excellent quality bright plastic in color. Insid was a music box, not very loud.
Branching out from the base, from 6 or 8 positions in the base were a variety of bright primary colored balls, also excellently manufactured and designed that wiggled a bit, to the child’s delight. The balls were connected to the base by a 2 1/2 inch spiral designed attachment, appearing to be a spring, but with no stretch, and just enough wiggle so that the balls hit one another gently. This is a toy for a baby, 6 months and up because babies like to use it as a clutch toy, and they love to try to suck the ball, but they are too big. Mom turns on the music box, which has a lovely song it plays. Even the music box is constructed for a baby/toddler. The toy can be dropped from a highchair, walker, or crib, and suffer no harm, not even a scratch. My children, 2 boys and a girl, each had fun with this toy daily for 2-3 years. Please let me know if you know where I can get this toy. The first one was purchased in 1981, the second in 1985, and the 3rd, in 2005.
Thank you very much!


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