you need a little neon in your life

by mari

handmade hand painted art prints by neon geometric blocks and nesting dolls on etsy

It seems the bland winter days have taken my usual penchant for color and dialed it up a notch. Several notches really, from jewel tone through piping hot to just shy of burning your eyelids! Neon is popping up everywhere, and when it’s done as beautifully as this I’m mightily intrigued. Sketch.Inc is a UK shop full of burn-your-eyes (in a good way) art, blocks, nesting dolls, brooches, and ornaments. All of it’s playful, with a range broad enough that some belongs in your kiddo’s room, and the rest is just for you and me.

I’m currently jonesing for one of the hand painted brooches to zing up my winter cardies. But for Birdie? Sketch.Inc’s Geometric Art Blocks above would be amazing sitting on a shelf in her room. At this rate, I may need several hundred shelves to keep up with all the cool things we find.

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1 Alison February 5, 2012 at 9:27 am

You are right! These are all super awesome, and yes we need color to make it through the winter. I love the neon triangle bear.

I was poking around a bit, do you really have a Birdie? I’ve always wanted a Birdie but have a two boys instead, if I ever get a girl she will be Birdie, it’s always been my favorite name.

Your blog is really great, I’m gonna add it to my bookmarks and stop back often.


2 Miz Big February 5, 2012 at 9:35 am

Hi Alison! Thanks for poking around ;) I know this neon/geometry thing is a total trend right now, but I’m onboard, wholeheartedly.
Birdie is my daughter’s nickname (her real name is Wren), but we do call her that a lot!


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