I finally finished the book, and I’m ready to share it with all of you, just in time for Mother’s Day. It’s a little book about Mother Nature, because Birdie keeps asking me the same question over and over again: “Who made that?” For the longest time she asked that question more than “Why?” So I thought it was time to take some of my answers and put them into a book, in the hopes that she’ll finally believe me. Plus, what better time to share a book about Mother Nature than for Mother’s Day? Send this link off to your loved ones and see if they’ll make it just for you and your kiddos to read together.
where is she?
Mother Nature is not the same as you and I.
Her home is the forest and her playground is the sky.
Can you find her?
She’d prefer you spy her when the rain is pouring from above,
letting all her ponds and rivers dance a droplets dance.
Did you see her dancing with the clouds?
They danced so hard they bumped together,
causing the lightning to prance.
Or you can feel her slippery touch when
your toes squish in the mud.
When she stirs the wind,
catch a whiff of her earthy smells: dirt and flowers and leaves!
And when you say “Hello Ms. Ladybug, how wonderful you are!”
It’s Mother Nature who says thank you
with a tickle of those little bug legs.
Where is Mother Nature?
You’ll find her in the things she does and the things she loves.
She’s right there, and here, and over there too.
Do you see her?
So, let’s get started on this project, are you with me?
What you’ll need for your DIY Children’s Book:
- Thick grey board – use the backs of notebooks, like legal pads, etc. Enough for two 4.25″ x 4.25″ squares
- Legal-sized paper or larger (8.5″ x 14″) and access to a color printer
- X-acto Knife
- Ruler
- Cutting mat or other safe cutting surface
- Glue Stick (I used a non-wrinkle stick from 3M, it’s pretty great!)
What you’ll do to make your DIY children’s book:
- Start by downloading the pdf files below. You’ll need the free Acrobat Reader if you don’t already have it. You can choose to print only the fronts of the pages, but I think it’s the double-sided prints that make this book extra special. (tip, it might take a couple of test runs to get your fronts and backs to line up on your printer, that’s ok! Just have a little extra paper around) I recommend printing the front and back of each sheet as you go, so you don’t get confused. Lord knows I was lost here and there.
- If printing at home feels like a challenge or you want a more polished finish, turning to online printing options can save you time and ensure professional results. With easy uploads and customizable settings, these services take the guesswork out of aligning fronts and backs, giving you perfect double-sided prints without the hassle. Whether you’re working on a small personal project or something larger, like creating keepsake books, exploring professional book printing services can be a game-changer. They provide high-quality prints, precise alignment, and even options for binding, so your project can have that extra-special touch—without the trial and error of doing it yourself.
Download the zipped pdf files here!
- Then, cut out your pages with an X-acto and ruler. There are crop marks on each page (front side only), watch the video to see some tips for working with those crop marks!
- Now glue the ends of the pages together – page 3 to page 4, page 6 to page 7, and page 9 to page 10. There are tabs on the LH sides of pages 4, 7, and 10. Just line up the images with the tabs.
- Now fold the pages into an accordion. Start first by folding along the three seams you glued. Then, take a spare piece of paper and cut it 4″ wide. Use that as your template, and fold each accordion fold around that template. See the video for some pointers.
- Cut out your grey board covers. Covers should measure 4.25″ x 4.25″
- Cut out and glue the cover art to the grey board.
- Glue the end pages of your accordion fold booklet to the covers.
- Press them under a heavy pile of books for a bit, just to set everything up.
- Read to your children, to each other, and to yourself as needed!
{ 30 comments… read them below or add one }
It’s gorgeous!
thank you so much! I really needed to hear that ;)
Thank you Petra! I love getting your feedback!
I love it, Mari! I can also see this as a great offering from Chronicle…
Thank you! That’s a stupendous idea, I suppose you don’t happen to have a contact there, do you? ;)
This is LOVELY!!!!!
Thank you dear!!
Just beautiful!
W.O.W…thank you so much for sharing such a wonder gift! Can’t wait to make this with my kids!
I’m so glad to hear it, let me know it goes!
Wow – this is beautiful! I will be making asap for my classroom.
That’s wonderful news! I hope the kids like it too!
I have no doubt that they will love it!! Thank you for your generosity in posting something so lovely for free :)
Happy to do it – it gave me the kick in the pants to get it done!
I love this! Just posted about it on my blog. If you do more, I would love a printable book that is left for the child to color in. Thanks for sharing!
That’s a wonderful idea! I’m hoping to do more soon!
thank you for sharing such a wonder idea!
Can’t wait to make this with my Pola!
You are so inspiring!!!
Kisses from Poland
You’ve just made my day Paula – Thank you!
I love making crafts and gifts for my kids! But one thing would be different. I would be able to answer my kids honest questions with truth that they need to hear—there is a God in heaven that loves you and He made all these wonderful things you see! He even made you and me!
I am thankful for a loving Creator that took the thought and time to make the grass green and the skies blue—the colors that are the most pleasant to the eyes. He knew I would have to see these things everyday, and He made the so beautiful for me to enjoy!
This book is gorgeous!!! I was doing an image search on modern kids books and one of your images caught my eye. I love the illustration. I was delighted to see it was by you, my new friend from Alt for Everyone!
Oh that is so awesome! Hi dear!!!
You have done it again Mari. Birdie is one lucky little munchkin. Hope it’s ok to post a link to your Mothers Day blog post from mine. Special!
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