round about:
wise old badges & a stackable circus

by mari

DIY kids ideas, handknit patchwork toys and fashions, European Wooden Toys

There are some exciting things happening up above and around Small for Big right now, things I can’t mention quite yet, but I’m looking forward to the day that I can. But it means this week flew by, and my usual attempts at a “schedule’ (cough, yeah right, cough) were completely thwarted. Instead it’s somehow Friday again and I have achieved very few of the things I meant to. I’m going to blame it on Birdie being home all day sans summer day camp or school. When school starts next week it will all be better right? Is every single parent out there saying the same thing right about now?

This week online, I loved these things:

  • A super simple stool/creative outlet from Bloesem Kids is such an innovative concept. Yet the parent in me can’t help imagining those individual pieces all over the house.
  • With amazing knit creatures and gorgeous fashions like these from Coos & Ahhs as inspiration, I just want to hole up in my house and knit for a couple of weeks straight.
  • I have circus on the brain this week (is it the State Fair that put me in this mood? Most likely), and Kickcan & Conkers does too.
  • Sigh. Oh to be Mer Mag, with her beautiful DIY ideas and big name endorsements. Check out these DIY Owl Badges from her summer series with the Gap.
  • Thanks to the wonders of Pinterest, I found these lovely DIY stroller toys from Dolores World. Such a beautiful muted palette.
  • Daily Candy featured a whole slew of Girls’ toys, but I’m falling hard for this Antik Batik Pom Pom Bag. I know Birdie would agree.

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