turn your toys inside out

by mari

Muku upcycled repurposed toys

Okay. Bear with me (ha, unintentional pun alert!). I was browsing around Pinterest with Birdie by my side, and she went gaga for little Muku no. 01. Can you believe it? I mean, I love it, but I was fairly certain Muku’s inside out upcycled limited edition toys (each with their own number) would be way too creepy for her. Especially considering last night’s bedtime was at an all time high on the scaredy-cat behavior scale. We needed 3 additional bigger-than-Birdie stuffed animals watching guard, an additional nightlight, and the bedroom door wide open with the hall light on. And yet Muku no. 01 is a-okay?

Well, that sounds like a seal of approval to me. I know these toys aren’t for everyone, but I am curious. What do you think of Muku?

You can see more of Muku at the Dadada Shop and at Muku’s website.


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Dottie September 26, 2012 at 4:56 pm

Crazy! My friend gave the Peach one for her birthday! They are nutty aren’t they? But the Peach loves hers!


2 mari September 26, 2012 at 7:43 pm

Small world… You know, I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who thinks it’s okay to give these to kids, I wondered if I was off the deep end!


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