We all know Cardboard could have it’s own category on Pinterest: making things out of recyclables is such a hot topic. But the problem for little kids is finding ways to let them to do it on their own. Especially at my house, where Birdie’s independent streak is a mile-wide and 10 miles high, but her perfectionist streak simultaneously keeps her from enjoying it without someone helping her out (and a lot of tears in between).
Makedo has a solution. Originally I wondered if a kit to help you with your own recyclables was really worth it- why isn’t tape good enough? But let me know tell you, after watching Birdie come ALIVE with her Makedo Freeplay kit, I am a believer. A Big Believer. What makes Makedo so special? The combination of the safe saw and the connectors lets my 3 1/2 year old make things All. By. Her. Self. Without my help. I don’t need to handle the big scissors, or help her rip off the tape, or help her get the glue in the right spot. Nada. She can cut, attach and plan things out to her heart’s content. That’s priceless.
Make sure to stop by Makedo’s blog for some amazing inspirational things made by other kids using Makedo. Some of it blows me away. Even better – Makedo is a great option for Halloween costumes. Here’s three plans direct from Makedo just for you. Click each link to download a full-size printable PDF file!
Thanks to Makedo for sending us a lovely Freeplay and Robot Kit to explore, it’s made a world of difference in our creative playtime. (No more tears!)
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