What’s kept me busy this week? I know I know, if you’re not a blogger, or if you’re a blogger who isn’t going to Alt Summit, the last thing you want to hear about from me is more about Alt Summit. But wow, folks, I’m obsessed over here! There are all these little – and some big – things I’d like to accomplish before the big event. It has my head all muddled and probably screwed on backwards too.
On top of that, tomorrow is Birdie’s birthday party! Our house is in the middle of getting a floor makeover, so this year we’re having the party away from home. That’s proving to be hard on this creative Momma. So I’ve been trying to find portable ways to bring some decorations to the party without breaking the bank or my workload. I’d love to try and make some of the floating fringed balloons in picture #6. So cool.
My favorite portable birthday party decorations round about the internet:
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