Birdie takes the term “social butterfly” to an entirely new level. She has been known to introduce herself to complete strangers, then tell them her life story of the day, and she takes charge of the older neighbor kids and directs playtime like she’s on the Lido Deck. So lately I feel like we’re spending a lot of time explaining some of the rudimentary unwritten “rules” of making friends. Boy, it’s rough.
But You Will Be My Friend, by Peter Brown, is a hilarious little story that fits Birdie perfectly. Lucy, the bear, decides to make a new friend. But unfortunately, she goes about it in all the wrong ways – luckily in the end a friend appears in the most unlikely of places. You just can’t control friendship can you? When it’s there, it’s there. I’m not sure how to explain that to a 4 year old, but this book does a good job at trying.
Peter Brown has written several other great books – make sure to take a look around his website, you might recognize some of them.
YOU WILL BE MY FRIEND, PETER BROWN! from Peter Brown on Vimeo.
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