round about: foreverphones and lowly worm

by mari

Top links this week include New Richard Scarry Book, Balloon Lights, Mo-To Wooden Cars, Phone Bloks concept, Unique party decorations, and a Washi Tape giveaway.

I often sit down to write these round about posts, and realize I’m drawing a complete blank on what actually happened in my own life for the past 5 days. Isn’t that nuts? Here we are pretending to live in the moment and yet I can’t remember a single one. Luckily, when I slowed my brain down and took a breath I thought of two great things that happened this week: 1; Birdie had her first piano lesson and loved it. Because I have a Bachelor of Music Degree in Piano Performance, I’m waaaay too durn excited about this. 2. Birdie and I had a “Girl’s Day” yesterday, with a special picnic, lots of great conversation, and rainbow fingernail painting. Those things rise above the other not-so-hot things that were bringing me down. There really is something to that whole being grateful thing. I should start those daily grateful lists like some people do. Do you?

Round about the internet this week:

  • Lowly Worm has a brand new book! via Modern Kiddo.
  • These will float forever, via Babyology.
  • Like old school Hot Wheels on wooden steroids. I heart. via Buy Modern Baby.
  • Have you heard about this building blocks phone concept? via Design*Sponge.
  • An extra-special-purty-rainbow cloud makes me want rain, via Poppytalk.
  • $100 worth of Washi Tape in this giveaway – go now! via Design Mom.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Esther September 27, 2013 at 11:41 am

Excited to get a spot on the roundup this week! Have a great weekend Mari and thanks for the reminder that it’s Friday!!


2 mari September 28, 2013 at 8:48 pm

Same to you Esther!


3 Dottie September 28, 2013 at 10:15 pm

Aw, thanks for the shout out and I’m so buying that Lowly Worm book!

Hey–are you going to Alt this January? We are!


4 mari September 29, 2013 at 8:13 pm

I am – OH MY GOSH, we’ll finally get to say hi IN PERSON!!! This is going to be epic. EPIC. WAHOO!


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